Significantly reduce business overheads
Generate and store free, clean energy on-site and improve your bottom line savings on your electricity bills.
Secure your future energy
Pre-purchase electricity at a fixed unit price, forecast your long-term energy costs and protect your business against future increases in utility prices.
Protect your business from power shortages
Generate and store your own energy, reduce reliance on the National Grid and protect your business from potential rationing and infrastructure failure.
Tax exemptions
Solar panels are classed as plant and machinery and are eligible for capital allowances.
Many Farms across South Africa have benefited from their investment in Solar Energy. This is made a reality by the savings experienced once the equipment is paid for reflected in a substantial improvement to the Business bottom line because a Solar system requires very little maintenance over time.
Interested or would like more information?
New Dawn Solar is highly experienced in supplying Agricultural building Solar Solutions. If you would like more informational along with the facts and the figures on how you can benefit from solar please get in touch by requesting a fee consultation.